Mucormycosis- A Catastrophic Challenge in COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Priyanka Senior Resident, Department of Medicine, ABVIMS & Dr RML Hospital, Delhi, India.
  • Shalini Shakarwal Assistant Professor, Dept. of Obs & Gynecology, Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi, India.
  • Pratap Singh Professor, Department of Medicine, ABVIMS & Dr RML Hospital, Delhi, India.
Keywords: CAM (COVID-19 Associated Mucormycosis), SARSCoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2), ROCM (Rhino- Orbital-Cerebral Mucormycosis), IFI (Invasive Fungal Infection), AmB (Amphotericin-B)


Recently amidst the second wave of COVID-19, various opportunistic infections were observed globally. Amongst all, COVID-19 associated mucormycosis (CAM) was the most fatal invasive fungal infection,
which was declared as an epidemic and notifiable disease in many states in India. it had caused a huge increase in mucormycosis cases which was initially considered a rare disease. As per the latest scenario, India has seen a total of 40,845 cases of black fungus until 28 June, of which 31,344 cases were rhino-cerebral, and the death toll from the infections stands at 3,129.

This article aims to provide a succinct list of warning signs to suspect Rhino-Orbital-Cerebral Mucormycosis (ROCM), to detect the disease at an early stage, use a proper diagnostic test available and follow an evidence-based management strategy and also outline various preventive measures.

How to cite this article:
Priyanka, Shakarwal S, Singh P. Mucormycosis- A Catastrophic Challenge in Covid-19 Pandemic. J Adv Res Med. 2021;8(3):13-18.



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