Chronic Kidney Disease affecting the Characteristics of Blood Pressure: An Observational Study
Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global public-health problem that affects millions of individuals. Despite widespread use of medicines to slow the course of CKD, the burden of end-stage renal disease in many affluent nations remains high. Hypertension is far more frequent in persons with CKD than it is in the general population, and it becomes worse as renal function declines. Controlling blood pressure, which is a controllable risk factor for this complication, may reduce the risk of cardiovascular events and decrease the decline of renal function.
Objective: To asses the Characteristics of Blood Pressure in Chronic Kidney Disease.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional Study was conducted at MS Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore from 1st of January 2018 to 31st of July 2019. A total of 100 Cases were included in the study.
Results: In our research, 10% of the participants were under the age of 30. In the research, 33% of the participants had Stage 3 CKD, 35% had Stage 4 CKD, and 32% had Stage 5 CKD. There was a significant
difference in mean OSBP and mean ODBP with increasing CKD stage in the research. With rising CKD stage, mean OSBP and ODBP increased.
Conclusion: Ambulatory BP measurements revealed a significant degree of overestimation (white coat HTN) and underestimate (masked HTN) of BP among patients with CKD, indicating that adopting ABPM may
assist avoid mistakes in BP measurement as well as correct treatment of HTN in CKD.
How to cite this article:
Abhishek KB, Sumanth BV, Ramesh B. Chronic Kidney Disease affecting the Characteristics of Blood Pressure: An Observational Study. J Adv Res Med. 2021;8(3):22-26.
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