Hepatitis B Vaccination After Occupational Exposure Among Healthcare Workers in a Tertiary Hospital in Delhi
Introduction: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) poses a major public health challenge for healthcare workers (HCWs) due to frequent exposure to infected bodily fluids. Despite effective vaccines and protocols, adherence is suboptimal, risking transmission. This study highlights critical gaps in HBV knowledge and vaccination compliance among HCWs in a major Delhi hospital.
Objectives: It is thus important to evaluate and highlight - Knowledge of post-exposure management strategies and first aid following exposure to blood and bodily fluids, Prevalence of hepatitis B infection among HCWs, hepatitis B vaccination rates and post-exposure prophylaxis, Post-vaccine immune status of HCWs.
Materials & Methods: An observational, individual-based, cross-sectional survey was carried out in a tertiary care teaching hospital in India. A stratified sampling technique was utilised to select participants.
Results: Only 55 (59%) respondents measured their hepatitis B titres after two months of vaccination, while 31 (41%) did not. Alarmingly, 17 (23%) were unaware that anti-HBs titres should be measured. Additionally, 16 (21%) still capped needles with both hands, ignoring safe techniques like the One-Hand Scoop. For first aid after a needle injury, 19 (25%) incorrectly advised washing with alcohol, and 3 (3.9%) used sodium hypochlorite on contaminated needle injuries.
Conclusion: The majority of the study respondents did not demonstrate a satisfactory level of awareness and attitude regarding hepatitis B transmission and prevention. 68 (89.5%) doctors stated that they did not undergo post-exposure prophylaxis in the form of hepatitis B vaccination.
How to cite this article:
Chauhan S D, Mawari G. Hepatitis B Vaccination After Occupational Exposure Among Healthcare Workers in a Tertiary Hospital in Delhi. J Adv Res Med 2023; 10(4): 24-31.
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