Clinical Management of Accidental Python Bite
We present here a case report regarding a patient, who sustained a severe hand injury following an accidental python bite. Python-bite injuries are rare and there are no definite guidelines in the literature regarding the management of python-bite injuries. This report details our experience in clinically managing this case, one of the few in the literature. On March 18, 2022, a 20-year male was accidentally bitten by a reticulated python while trying to rescue the snake from the middle of a road. The python was 3.5 meters in length. The bite was on the right knuckle area of the right hand. There was strong bleeding that slowed down after a few minutes. An hour later, the patient could reach the nearby hospital where the wound was thoroughly cleaned with
soap and water and antiseptics were given. Broad-spectrum antibiotics were given along with TT and pain killers. Wounds were left open but thorough wound cleaning with betadine was done at the site of teeth
marks. Wound cleaning and sterile dressings were applied daily. Despite this, after 3 days there was swelling of the hand as infection had set in. More antiseptics were added IM and topically. After 5 days, there was mild relief in swelling and infection. The patient was fine after a follow-up of 2 weeks with mild swelling.
How to cite this article:
Premmanisakul S, Bharti OK, Premmanisakul N. Clinical Management of Accidental Python Bite. J Adv Res Med. 2022; 9(1): 21-23.
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