An Analytical Study of the Early COVID-19 Cases in Jordan
Background: The daily cases and fatalities in the COVID-19 pandemic are still on the rise. This study aimed to examine the epidemiological trends of the COVID-19 patients at an early stage in the pandemic.
Methods: This study included all COVID-19 positive patients who were admitted to the Prince Hamza Hospital between the 2nd and 31st of March 2020. The demographic, clinical, and laboratory data of the COVID-19 positive patients were reviewed and analysed.
Results: Of the 132 patients admitted during the period of study, 81 were males, with a mean age of 38.9 years (SD ± 19 yrs). Of those, 55 (41.7%) had comorbidities, 9% required oxygen supplementation, and 3 (2.2%) died. The most common clinical manifestations on admission were fever (36.4%), dry cough (17.4%), shortness of breath (12.9%), and anosmia (10.6%). CRP was elevated in 45.4%, and ESR was also high in 22.7% of patients with CRP elevation and was statistically significant in symptomatic patients (p = 0.004). Likewise, D-dimer was markedly elevated in 42.1% of the symptomatic patients (p = 0.025). Chest CT scans in symptomatic patients showed statistically significant bilateral lung infection (17.2%) as compared to non-symptomatic patients (p = 0.049).
Conclusion: The COVID-19 outbreak in Jordan at the beginning of the pandemic had presented clinically significant symptoms associated with higher values of CRP and CT chest findings.
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Jussani GN, Khasawneh AI, AL-Shudifat AE, Alnsour R, Azab M. An Analytical Study of the Early COVID-19 Cases in Jordan. J Commun Dis. 2022;54(1):67-75.
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