Novel Approach in the Management of Cutaneous Viral Wart through a Poly Herbo-mineral Topical Medication
Background: Clinicians used to treat cutaneous viral warts - Verruca vulgaris and Verruca filiformis by means of either topical application of medicines or through minimal intervention. However, there is no single standard treatment protocol that can be applied to all patients suffering from the above conditions. Hence, there is a need for a single novel drug for the management of viral warts.
Aim: A novel poly herbo-mineral topical medicine (PHMTM) was prepared based on the Siddha system of medicine’s literature and this study was done to evaluate its efficacy against Verruca vulgaris and Verruca filiformis on various body sites.
Method: Patients diagnosed with Verruca vulgaris and Verruca filiformis were divided into two groups. PHMTM was applied on the lesion area as a topical application. Depending on the site and severity of the viral wart, the duration and days of application were decided and the drug was applied daily till automatic fall or till suitability for mild pluck and its response was noted.
Result: Verruca vulgaris that was present on the face, abdomen, and lower limb was cleared 100% when compared to the upper limb, for which the success rate was only 83%. Further, patients who exhibited complete clearance for Verruca filiformis were 100% in all the sites studied. The efficacy of the drug for Verruca filiformis is better when compared to the response for Verruca vulgaris.
Conclusion: PHMTM is found to offer a better success rate in the clearance of warts studied.
How to cite this article:
Bari ABA, Dhas SI. Novel Approach in the Management of Cutaneous Viral Wart through a Poly Herbo-mineral Topical Medication. J Commun Dis. 2022;54(1):25-30.
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