Incidence of Hepatitis B Infection among People with Renal Failure in Babylon Province
Introduction: This study was performed in the Marjan Medical City/ hemodialysis Center of Babylon province, Iraq from 1 February 2020 to 1 February 2021. It aimed to investigate the incidence of the hepatitis B virus in people with renal failure. The study included some factors such as virus type, seasons, gender, age group, and blood groups.
Methods: The reporting of all suspected HBV cases with renal failure in Marjan Medical City/ Haemodialysis Center in the Directorate General of Health (DGoH) of Babylon province/ Iraq from 1 February 2020 to 1 February 2021 were used in the current study.
Results: The results of this study showed that the total infection incidence in renal failure samples reached (16.67%) of 48 diseased cases that were monitored by the artificial Kidney centre (hemodialysis) for people infected with the hepatitis B virus. The prevalence of this pattern was observed during the seasons of the year, where the infection incidence was higher in June and September, amounting to 61.11% and 36.39%, respectively, while males 17.42% recorded a higher incidence of infection than it is in females 15.45%. It was found that the infection rates varied. Among the different age groups (13-68 years), the highest infection rate was within the youth age group (11-20), (21-30), and (41-50) years old, which was 66.67%, 26.67%, and 25%, respectively.
Conclusion: Subjects with HBV demonstrated that O+ and unidentified blood groups had confirmed instances of HBV contrast to other blood groups with 39.58 per cent and 29 per cent, respectively.
How to cite this article:
Imran Al-Kaif RA, Al-Mashhady FR, Drais AA, Abed AS. Incidence of Hepatitis B Infection among People with Renal Failure in Babylon Province. Special Issue - COVID-19 & Other Communicable Disease. 2022;115-119.
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