Mucocutaneous Manifestations of COVID-19 among Iraqi Patients in Al Diwaniyah Province, Iraq: Case Series Study
Background: The relatively wide distribution of ACE2 receptors all over body tissues suggests the possibility of clinical manifestations other than that of the respiratory tract. The usual incubation period is about 14 days which is often followed by the usual respiratory symptoms and constitutional signs. Globally, additional novel manifestations, including dermatological ones have been reported.
Aim: To characterise the skin manifestations in patients with COVID-19 in Al Diwaniyah Province, mid-Euphrates region of Iraq.
Method: The present case series study included 54 patients with COVID-19 and a variety of skin manifestations. Those patients visited the dermatology unit at Al Diwaniyah teaching hospital, Al Diwaniyah province, Iraq during the period of the study. The study started in July 2020 and ended in June 2021.
Results: The most common features were those of morbilliform eruptions accounting for 18.5% of cases followed by urticarial lesions accounting for 13.0% of cases for followed by ecchymotic pruritic lesion (11.1%). Other features such as oral ulceration and vesicular lesions were also seen in 9.3% of cases. All the body was involved in 29.6% followed by tongue and lip involvement. Morbilliform eruption was the most common diagnosis followed by acute urticaria, herpes simplex, leukocytoclastic vasculitis and then by a variety of other skin manifestations.
Conclusion: Skin manifestations in association with COVID-19 were highly variable with onset and duration which could be due to infection, drug reaction or immune mechanisms.
How to cite this article:
Bdaiwi SN, Abdul-Saheb RH. Mucocutaneous Manifestations of COVID-19 among Iraqi Patients in Al Diwaniyah Province, Iraq: Case Series Study. Special Issue - COVID-19 & Other Communicable Disease. 2022;239-244.
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