Retrospective Assessment of the Clinical Pharmacist Sheets among a Few Iraqi General Hospitals
Background: Clinical pharmacist sheet is an essential part of the medical record; it highlights the pharmacist’s role during hospitalisation through the concept of pharmaceutical care and specific pharmacist collaboration with a patient and other health care teams.
Objective: To assess the documentation completeness level of the clinical pharmacist sheet, pharmacist intervention, type and prevalence of Drug-Related Problems.
Methodology: A retrospective observational study that included revised 3900 clinical pharmacist sheets from Baghdad and Thiqar Hospitals for 2018, 2019, and 2020. The forms from four departments of the hospitals (internal medicine, surgery, paediatrics, gynaecology and obstetrics). In addition, assessment completeness of the pharmacist documentation level in the clinical pharmacist sheets, and Pharmacist interventions.
Results: The overall documentation completeness level in the clinical pharmacist sheets was generally poor (less than 50% of the sheet items were filled in). The best documentation level was presented in the surgery ward (52.34%). A total of 3900 clinical pharmacist sheets were analysed within multi-ward hospitals that revealed variable percentages of DRPs (10%, 8.55%, 12.44%, and 7.42%) in internal medicine, surgery, gynaecology and obstetrics, and paediatric respectively. Findings also revealed a significant decline in pharmacist interventions over the last three years.
Conclusion: There was poorn documentation completeness level and pharmacist interventions over the last 3 years among clinical pharmacist sheets. Drug selection, dosing, and substituting unavailable drugs with an alternative were the commonest causes of DRPs.
How to cite this article:
Abbas KM, Abdulridha MK. Retrospective Assessment of the Clinical Pharmacist Sheets among a Few Iraqi General Hospitals. J Commun Dis. 2021;53(4):61-69.
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