Integrated Pest Management Programs with Special Emphasis on Livestock Production in India: A Review
Ticks are blood-feeding ectoparasites considered as a great role in medical and veterinary science. However, they can transmit a wide variety of infectious agents that significantly impact animals’ health and product performance, which negatively reflects the livelihood of resource-poor farming communities, especially in India because 80% of the human population depends on income from dairy farms. This review focused on the problems associated with TBDs and integrated tick control strategies, emphasizing livestock farming systems in India. Developments discussed in the review in the controlling measures such as the efficacy of acaricides, biological control, and recent advances in vaccine development.
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Kumaran AK, Anis KV. Integrated Pest Management Programs with Special Emphasis on Livestock Production in India: A Review. J Commun Dis. 2021;53(3):167-172.
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