Determinants of Healthcare Expenditure in Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India: Through the lens of NSSO Data
This study aims to examine the determinants of health-care expenditure in the Eastern region of Uttar Pradesh. Secondary data from the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) of 75th round on social consumption related to health were utilized. The Heckman two-step selection model was used to analyse household and individual decisions to seek care. Findings of this study reveal that having household head aged between 31 to 60 and above 60 years, household size greater than 5 members, belonging to religion other than Hindu, non-ST category as Schedule caste, Other backward class and others, people residing in urban area, people having higher economic status, private hospitals, upper primary and secondary+ schooling of household head and having household members with chronic illnesses were determinants contributing more health-care spending. However, female household head had less likely to incur healthcare expenditure as compared to male household in the region. An important finding indicates that the majority of people visited private hospitals in the region which increased the health-care spending at large and it burdened financially to the vulnerable section of the society. Based on the discussion, a few policy suggestions have been proposed to counter the above problems.
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Ram M, Kumar A. Determinants of Healthcare Expenditure in Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India: Through the lens of NSSO Data. J Commun Dis. 2021;53(3):118-126.
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