A Systematic Review on Mucormycosis in Corona Patients and its Treatment in India
Several cases of mucormycosis infection are being reported from almost all states of India currently. Mucormycosis infection is rare but fatal. It is strongly associated with COVID- 19 as a secondary infection and increases the severity of COVID-19 infection. Fungi under Mucorales order are responsible for mucormycosis infection condition, especially people with a weak immune system and under steroid-based medication and antibiotic treatment are more vulnerable. COVID- 19 infected patients with associated risk factors like diabetes mellitus, neutropenia, diabetic ketoacidosis, organ transplant, cancer, AIDS, weak immunity, autoimmune disorders are more prone tosecondary opportunistic pathogenic infections. Special care and continuous monitoring process should be initiated as early as possible to prevent any kind of secondary fungal infections during COVID-19 infection. Though preventive strategies like antifungal therapy,and surgical debridement are present yetthemortality rate is very high in mucormycosis infection. Moreover, this current study is a brief summary of the current status, pathogenesis, management strategies, and latest guidelines for mucormycosis infection during the pandemic of coronavirusdisease 2019. Several treatment strategies like drugs, surgery, and other proper methods in hospital setups are also mentioned elaborately in this study. Appropriate doses, administration route and duration as well as reported cases of mucormycosis infection from different parts of India are also clearly documented here.
How to cite this article:
Ahmad SR, Ghosh P. A Systematic Review on Mucormycosis in Corona Patients and its Treatment in India. J Commun Dis. 2021;53(3):236-243.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/0019.5138.202163
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