Primary Analysis of the Risk Factors for Severity and Mortality in COVID-19 Patients in Uzbekistan
A retrospective analysis of 561 patients with confirmed COVID-19 was performed to determine the risk factors for severity and mortality which could predict the disease outcome in early stages. Patients were divided into 4 groups in accordance with disease severity: mild, moderate, severe and critical. And initial clinical and laboratory parameters of patients at admission were studied. The age of severe and deceased patients was significantly higher than patients with mild and moderate course (Ñ€=0.003). Patiens with severe disease and fatal outcome had higher incidence of concomitant diseases compared to patients with mild and moderate course (p=0.01). The time passed from onset of first symptoms and hospital admission was shorter in patients with mild and moderate disease than patients with severe and critical disease (Ñ€=0.0001). The leukocytosis, significant lymphopenia (Ñ€=0.0001), high D-dimer and ferritin levels were associated with severe disease. Male gender, old age, presence of concomitant diseases should be considered as risk factors for severe course and death at COVID-19.
How to cite this article:
Sharipova V, Anvarov K, Abdurakhmanov A, Alimov A, Iskhakov N. Primary Analysis of the Risk Factors for Severity and Mortality in COVID-19 Patients in Uzbekistan. J Commun Dis. 2021;53(3):104-111.
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