An Assessment of Prominent Risks Factors Behind the Development of COVID-19 Pandemic Digital Eye Strain in context with the Online Class Room
The COVID-19 outbreak has destructively affected the education system over the world and brought about prominent alterations in the traditional systems of teaching and learning. In order to flatten the curve of disease transmission, several countries have resorted to online classes for students. Apart from the benefits of this strategy, there exists a chance of developing ocular complications in students those are continuously viewed the digital screen without any break. T-test and frequency analysis was used to find out the link between the digital electronic gadgets and eye strains. SPSS version 24.0.0 was used for all the statistical analyses. Here we assessed the various prominent factors behind the development of complications in eyes instigated by the electronic gadgets with special inference on the type of electronic gadgets, time spend, distance, type of usage, kind of posture, light condition, stress, and kind of symptoms towards digital eye strains. One of the major fact that has been emerged in this investigation is that the usage of electronic gadgets for online classes purposes have greatly increased than the other usage. The use of electronic gadgets for work and educational purposes has been recognized as a normal activity among individuals. With the extensive prevalence of developing digital eye strain in the students, it is paramount that the results of this investigation can be used for research purposes as strong research evidence to prevent the complications allied with eyes.
How to cite this article:
Anwer Shakeeb K, Simon NH. An Assessment of Prominent Risks Factors Behind the Development of COVID-19 Pandemic Digital Eye Strain in context with the Online Class Room. J Commun Dis. 2021;53(3):80-88.
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