Effect of Prognostic Factors on Survival Time of Patients of Cardiovascular Disease using Quantile Regression
Background: The study of survival time after the first myocardial infarction among cardiovascular disease patients are quite important for medical practitioners, planners and for the patients. This study tries to study the survival patterns and their risk factors using relatively new and advanced model.
Objective: The current paper conceived to accentuate the effect of prognostic factors on survival time of cardiovascular disease patients. using quantile regression technique.
Methods: Quantile regression model has been used to model survival time, McNemar’s test for checking independence of linked attributes.
Results: The results showed our perceived notion that different prognostic factors have a different effect on patients’ survival at varying locations of survival time. Like smoking has one effect at 10th quantile and quite different effect at 75th quantile of survival time after first myocardial infarction. McNemar test reveals that the initial status of hypertension has significant association with the current hypertension status of the patients, hypertensive patients are more likely to have heart failure which is in tandem with proven medical findings.
Conclusion: Unlike most of the well-known survival models, quantile regression models the survival time directly instead of modelling some other functions like hazard function or death density function. Therefore, its interpretation is easy and informative.
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