Synthesis of Nanosilver Nitrate for Vector Control (Aedes Aegypti) in Banjarnegara, Central Java (Case of Endemic Area DHF Banjarnegara)
Integrated vector management especially for Aedes aegypti mosquito is a priority to control the transmission of dengue fever. An effective and environment friendly insecticide is needed. This study aims to find the effective dose of vector control material for Ae. aegypti. Nanosilver nitrate used as a material for mosquitoes insecticide caused it has greater potential to enter through the pore of nervous system of Ae. aegypti. This field research used adult mosquitoes Ae. Aegypti for toxicity test. The total samples were 200. The toxicity test of organophosphate compounds, at concentration 3.5 mg/L as many as 60% mosquitoes were death. Toxicity test of synthesis two compounds on concentration 3.5 (organophospat) + 0.5 (Ag2NO3) mg/L there was 100%. Treatment synthesis of nanosilver with organophopat is more effective than only organophospat compounds. based on the Ae. Aegypti LC50 of organophosphate was 7.81 mg/L meanwhile LC50 for the synthesis of silver nitrate nanoparticle with organophosphate were 5.59 mg/L. Nanosilver nitrate has the potential as a synthetic material or substitute for organophosphate.
How to cite this article:
Raharjo M, Subagio A, Sulistyani, Aryanti Y. Synthesis of Nanosilver Nitrate for Vector Control (Aedes Aegypti) in Banjarnegara, Central Java (Case of Endemic Area DHF Banjarnegara). J Commun Dis 2021; 53(1): 62-66.
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