Attitude on HIV/ AIDS and the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Attitude regarding HIV/ AIDS among the Industrial Workers in a selected Public Sector Undertaking Agency at Cuddalore District, Tamilnadu
Introduction: HIV, the virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) has become one of the world’s most serious health and development challenges. HIV not only affects the health of individuals, but also leaves severe impacts on households, communities, and the development and economic growth of nations. The worst affected is the business world, which is not only suffering from the cost of the workforce, but also the decrease in profits and productivity level both for the employers and the employees.
Methods:A quantitative research approach with pre-experimental one group pre-test–post-test design was used to identify the attitude towards HIV/ AIDS and to evaluate the effectiveness of the STP among 123 industrial workers using convenient sampling technique. Results:There was a favourable attitude towards the basic concept of HIV/ AIDS, treatment aspects, regarding HIV testing and in the prevention of HIV there was a minimal change in attitude; regarding the rights of the HIV affected people, there was a highly favourable attitude among the subjects and caring for the HIV positive people which indicated that the STP was effective.
How to cite this article:
Sivagamy B, Karunagari K. Attitude on HIV/ AIDS and the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Attitude regarding HIV/ AIDS among the Industrial Workers in a selected Public Sector Undertaking Agency at Cuddalore District, Tamilnadu. J Commun Dis. 2021; 53(2): 18-27.
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