Forensic Science Interventions in Wildlife Mediated Zoonotic Outbreaks: A Systematic Review
Millions of people are suffering from the repeated emergence of zoonotic diseases across the globe. The latest pandemic of Covid-19 suspected to be originated from wild animals and was transmitted via an intermediate animal host to humans. Possibilities of the intentional use of zoonoses as bioweapons cannot be ignored and it poses a threat to global biosafety and biosecurity. This review discusses the nature and types of zoonotic diseases and the link to human activities of wildlife poaching and trafficking. It is estimated that about billions of currencies are spent by nations annually due to these diseases and millions of people die as a consequence of zoonotic diseases. In this article, we reviewed on the past and present zoonotic diseases and transmission through natural, accidental and deliberate modes. This review addresses the impact of human vs. wildlife conflict in emerging zoonotic diseases and focusing on bioterrorism activities. The objective of the present review was to highlight the significance of advanced forensic science technologies for the detection and prevention of the future zoonotic outbreaks of the suspected bio crimes and wildlife crimes.
How to cite this article:
Joseph A, Bishnoi MM. Forensic Science Interventions in Wildlife Mediated Zoonotic Outbreaks: A Systematic Review. J Commun Dis 2020; 52(4): 88-96.
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