Outbreaks in India: Impact on Socio-economy and Health
The research activity regarding infectious diseases has been increased significantly in the past few years in India. The main cause of infectious disease is pathogenic microorganisms and the infection can spread from direct or indirect contact between individuals. Once the infection spread throughout the country or world, is classified as an epidemic or pandemic. India is not unfamiliar with pandemic and epidemics, as they occur throughout history. This review paper highlights the major epidemics and pandemic occur in India. More than 90 national and global papers were reviewed. The research papers were chosen from PubMed, Google scholar, science direct, research gate, and organization like WHO. This paper dealt with the impact of pandemic and epidemic on India’s economy, health sector and social power. The study concluded that there were around 10 epidemics and pandemics occur in India from the 18th century to the 21st century. The major impact on the social life and health sector has mainly affected in COVID-19, chikungunya, Plague in India. Meningococcal disease and dengue had a negative impact on health sector. Nipah Virus, plague, and COVID-19 had more impact on tourism. Whereas, economy was majorly affected in Plague, and COVID-19.
How to cite this article:
Sanghi D, Saini P, Mishra P, Sharma M. Outbreaks in India: Impact on Socio-economy and Health. J Commun Dis 2021; 53(1): 35-44.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/0019.5138.202107
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