A Study of Platelet Parameters and Their Correlation with Different Clinical Manifestations of Tuberculosis: A Pre- and Post-Treatment Analysis
Introduction: Recent studies show that platelets play a pivotal role in
the pathogenesis of chronic diseases. However, the exact variation of
platelet parameters in different manifestations of tuberculosis has not
yet been studied effectively.
Objectives: To explore the variation of platelet count, Mean Platelet
Volume (MPV), and Platelet Distribution Width (PDW) in tuberculosis
and the changes in indices after 2 months of initiation of antitubercular
Materials and Methods: This was a cross sectional study where the
haematological reports of 150 patients attending the Department
of Pulmonary Medicine were studied. The platelet indices of these
patients were followed up 2 months after initiation of treatment and
compared with the initial data.
Results: Out of the 150 treatment naïve patients, 97 were of pulmonary
tuberculosis with no drug resistance. Their initial mean platelet count
was 1,07,000/mm3
, which increased to 2,52,000 after 2 months. The
initial mean PDW was 21.2 reduced to 17.7 after two months of
treatment. The initial MPV was 12 fL, which became 11.2 fL after
two months. In the remaining 53 patients including those with drug
resistance, tubercular pleural effusion, and military tuberculosis, the
initial mean platelet count, PDW, and MPV were 95000/mm3
, 25.2 and
7.1 fL that transformed to a mean of 1,18,000/mm3
, 19.7 and 7.7 fL
respectively, 2 months after initiating treatment.
Conclusion: This study indicates a tendency towards thrombocytopaenia
in tuberculosis patients and an increase in PDW. However following
the initiation of treatment, the platelet count increased rapidly with
a decrease in other indices.
How to cite this article:
Gangopadhyay G, Siddiqui B, Baneen U, Gautam
S, Ali A M D. A Study of Platelet Parameters
and Their Correlation with Different Clinical
Manifestations of Tuberculosis: A Pre- and
Post-Treatment Analysis. J Commun Dis.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/0019.5138.202479
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare [Internet]. India TB Report 2023; [cited 2023 Sep 14]. Available from :
https://tbcindia.mohfw.gov.in/2023/06/06/india-tb- report-2023/
World Health Organization [Internet]. Global Tuberculosis Report 2022; [cited 2023 Sep 14].
Available from: https://www.who.int/teams/ global-tuberculosis-programme/tb-reports/global-
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