Community-Acquired Pneumonia of Bacterial Origin in Paediatrics: Delphi Method about Symptoms, Aetiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment in Colombia

  • Alixandra De La Espriella Pérez Physician, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Specialist.
  • Jaiberth Antonio Cardona Arias Microbiologist, MSc Epidemiology and Economics, PhD (c) Public Health, Professor, University of Antioquia, Medellín-Colombia.
  • Pediatric infectiology group-NAC
Keywords: Community-Acquired Pneumonia, Bacterial Pneumonia, Paediatrics, Delphi


Introduction: Paediatric pneumonia causes 14% of deaths in children 0–5 years of age. In community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) of bacterial origin, only a third of children receive the antibiotics they need. The clinical management of bacterial CAP is complex and, in most cases, leads to the indiscriminate use of antibiotics.
Objective: To generate recommendations derived from a consensus of experts in paediatric infectious diseases to address CAP of bacterial origin in paediatrics.
Method: This research was carried out through a Delphi process with 16 paediatric infectious diseases specialists from Colombia and two specialists who reviewed the process, guaranteeing iterativity, anonymity of the answers, controlled feedback, and consolidation of the answers with statistical criteria.
Results: The recommendations agreed upon by the experts on the following topics of CAP are presented; signs and symptoms, aetiological agents, laboratory tests, radiological findings, criteria for hospitalisation
and admission to the paediatric ICU, and antibiotic therapy.
Conclusion: This consensus document will help in the improvement of a few practices of physicians and paediatricians, who are the professionals who perform the initial approach to CAP, in order to unify some criteria that improve clinical outcomes.

How to cite this article:
De La Espriella-Pérez A, Cardona-Arias JA,
Pediatric infectiology group-NAC. CommunityAcquired Pneumonia of Bacterial Origin in
Paediatrics: Delphi Method about Symptoms,
Aetiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment in Colombia.
J Commun Dis. 2024;56(3):40-47.



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