The Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Mosquito Borne Diseases among People in a Rural Area in Thrissur
Background: Mosquito borne diseases cause major public health problem in Kerala which causes major outbreak during post monsoon period.
Objective: To assess the knowledge attitude and practice on mosquito borne diseases among people in a rural health and training centre in Thrissur.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out from the month of January to May 2019 in the field practice area of rural health training centre, Amala Institute of Medical Sciences, Thrissur. 300 houses were selected for the study by systematic random sampling and semi structured questionnaire was filled by an adult member of the family. Data was analysed in Microsoft Excel 2010 and SPSS version 21.
Result: All the 274 respondents in the study were aware that mosquito borne diseases are a serious problem.90.9% knew dengue as a mosquito borne disease but only 2.6% are aware that mosquito bite in day time, only 3.2% knew that filaria is transmitted by mosquito. Majority believe that mosquito breeds in drains. Most of the respondents use mosquito nets for personal protection against mosquito. Health education serve as the main source of information for majority of participants.
Conclusion: The study shows good knowledge, positive attitude and practices on mosquito borne diseases.
How to cite this article:
Soorya S, Menon VTK, Saju CR, Rafi M, Joshy VM. The Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Mosquito Borne Diseases among People in a Rural Area in Thrissur. J Commun Dis 2020; 52(4): 66-69.
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