Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) - Epidemiology, Detection and Management with Respect to the Indian Subcontinent - Current Updates and Theories
Coronavirus disease the Indian perspective – Current updates and theories
The outbreak of acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in mid-December 2019, from Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, and its spread across China and beyond has taken the world by surprise. On March 11, 2020 WHO (World Health Organization) declared it a global pandemic. Herein, we discuss the epidemiological trends, clinical and diagnostic findings, management, and investigative therapies of this disease and also reflect upon how it might be different in India from the rest of the world.
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Sharma P, Bali RK, Sawhney H, Gandhi D, Bali NK. Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) - Epidemiology, Detection and Management with Respect to the Indian Subcontinent - Current Updates and Theories. J Commun Dis 2020; 52(2): 52-62.
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