An Integrated Approach for Effective Containment of Japanese Encephalitis: First JE Case of Pune
Japanese Encephalitis (JE) is a viral vector-borne disease. Natural hosts of the JE virus are water birds and pigs these amplifying hosts play an important role in disease transmission; man is an accidental host.
Pune district of Maharashtra state is non-endemic for JE; nevertheless, a sporadic case of JE was reported in November 2022 in an urban area of Pune. A six-year-old male child was found severely infected with JEV when tested by IgM ELISA technique using a CSF sample at the National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune. In sero-surveillance, no other confirmed JE-positive case was observed.
In a veterinary survey carried out in the Vadgaonsheri area, 57 pig serum samples were collected and 40 pigs were found positive for JEV-neutralising antibodies, which confirmed JE virus infection in the locality. Necessary entomological survey and control measures were also implemented. Though the Pune district is not endemic for JE and routine vaccination is not suggested, a thoughtful decision to vaccinate the patient’s two siblings aged below 15 years was taken as a precaution.
An integrated approach of the public health department, Maharashtra state, Pune municipal corporation and its Sassoon general hospital, ICMR-NIV- Pune, and NCVBDC, GOI on various fronts has resulted in early detection of JE case, effective and successful containment of JE using entomological, epidemiological, serological and veterinary surveillance.
How to cite this article:
Raje M, Jagtap M, Sarnikar P, Kinnikar A, Srivastava PK, Bondre VP, Sreelakshmi PR, Awate P, Sonkawade N, Sharma SN, Baruah K. An Integrated Approach for Effective Containment of Japanese Encephalitis: First JE Case of Pune. XIV Annual Conference of Indian Society for Malaria & Other Communicable Diseases (ISMOCD). 2023;117-125.
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