Mathematical Analysis of Malaria and Cholera Disease by Homotopy Perturbation Method
The mathematical model for co-infection with malaria and cholera was developed in this problem, and it was researched to see if there was a synergistic link between the two diseases in the presence of medicines.
The effects of malaria and its treatment on cholera dynamics were investigated in greater depth. Malaria infection raises the chances of cholera, while cholera infection doesn’t really enhance the risk of malaria infection. The model was numerically investigated using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method and analytically using the Homotopy Perturbation Method. The impact of each parameter on the governing equation was investigated and the effective control strategy was determined using the exact solutions (analytical).
How to cite this article:
Kumar PNV, Balaganesan P, Renuka J.
Mathematical Analysis of Malaria and Cholera
Disease by Homotopy Perturbation Method. J
Commun Dis. 2024;56(1):57-69.
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