A Novel Determination of Trehalase Accumulation with Plant Extracts Against Aedes albopictus from Thiruvarur District of Tamil Nadu
Aedes albopictus is an important vector in the transmission of dengue and chikungunya. For growth, flight, eclosure, and stress recovery, mosquitoes rely on their stored sugar trehalose. These reserves in mosquitoes are assessed by a key enzyme known as trehalase. A single molecule of trehalose is broken down into two molecules of glucose which is vital for the flight and survival of mosquitoes. The main objective of the study is to find out the correlation between plant extracts and their action on stored trehalose content in mosquitoes. Treatment of lab-grown 3rd and 4th instar larvae with various concentrations (100 ppm, 250 ppm, 500 ppm, and 1000 ppm) of different plants (Prosopis juliflora, Calotropis porcera, Vitex negundo, Syzygium jambolanum and Azadirachta indica) crude extract was obtained using both methanol and ethanol as solvent. The larvicidal bioassay was performed and the larval mortality was observed at different time periods. Lethal Concentration (LC) values were predicted using the log-probit analysis. Emerged adults from the larvicidal bioassay were homogenised for the analysis of their trehalose concentration using the modified anthrone-sulfuric acid method. The methanolic extract of Prosopis juliflora had excellent larvicidal efficacy after 72 hrs as well as a massive 23-fold increase of trehalose over control was observed with a 1000 ppm treatment of the extract. Also, a significant increase in trehalose content was noticed in the methanolic extract of V. negundo at 1000 ppm. Further, exploration by GC-MS revealed the active components present in these extracts. One or many of the compounds of the extracts are responsible for the excessive build-up of trehalose in these mosquitoes. Additional docking studies would point out the main chemical compound involved in the desired trehalose accumulation. Pure isolation and optimisation of this chemical would be a revelation in the field of vector control and management.
How to cite this article:
Suryanarayana R, Renjisha Venugopal T, Farhat SK, Sathya Jeevitha B, Rajalakshmi A, Parsanathan R, Jayalakshmi K. A Novel Determination of Trehalase Accumulation with Plant Extracts Against Aedes albopictus from Thiruvarur District of Tamil Nadu. XIV Annual Conference of Indian Society for Malaria & Other Communicable Diseases (ISMOCD). 2023;7-24.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/0019.5138.202331
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