Rationalising Community Engagement & Law Enforcement for Prevention and Control of Dengue: A Case Study in Selected Zone of MCD, Delhi
Introduction: Dengue fever has emerged as a major public health challenge globally. In Delhi, every urban locality has different socio-demographical factors which need planning & decision-making at the lowest level with the help of the local community. High population density, mixed population and movement are posing a challenge to Dengue control in Delhi. Improved clinical management of dengue has resulted in a decline in CFR from 4.2% in 2003 to 0.38% in 2015.
Material and Methods: The study was carried out from January 2022 to December 2022 and a monthly household survey was conducted in Civil Line Zone in Delhi. Primary Data included dengue cases, entomological Data, Dengue Intervention measures data i.e. vector control measures, school and community-based interventions and Law enforcement.
Results: During the study period, a large number (2974496) of houses were surveyed out of which 0.4% (13339) houses were found positive for mosquitoes. Of these houses, 7737 were issued legal notice and 5394 were issued court prosecution. 1789 houses were fined on the spot & Rs 1030700/- were charged which was highest in Delhi. Along with all interventions, sensitisation was also scaled up and about 1835 sensitisation meetings were also organised with Resident Welfare Associations in 2022 as compared to 846 meetings in 2021 in the Civil Line Zone. In addition to this staff rallies and school programs were also scaled up. The comprehensive efforts decreased morbidity and mortality due to dengue in the Civil line zone during 2022.
Conclusion: No single approach will lead to sustained programme management. A balanced approach between community sensitisation and enforcement during the collective fight against Aedes with community participation may be adopted. The comprehensive efforts coupled with the law imposing and penalising repeated carelessness have demonstrated successful control in the zone.
How to cite this article:
Bisht B, Singh SB, Singh H. Rationalising Community Engagement & Law Enforcement for Prevention and Control of Dengue: A Case Study in Selected Zone of MCD, Delhi. XIV Annual Conference of Indian Society for Malaria & Other Communicable Diseases (ISMOCD). 2023;75-82.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/0019.5138.202340
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