Global Impact of Mosquito-borne Alphaviruses on Humans: Their Spread and Rehabilitation
Alphaviruses of the family Togaviridae are mostly arboviruses with worldwide distribution and are maintained in nature by reservoir hosts and mosquitoes in an enzootic cycle. Spillover events occur in the form of local outbreaks or epidemics involving human beings. These may cause arthritis or encephalitis which might be fatal. We have comprehensively reviewed the structure of the human pathogenic alphaviruses with the functions of individual proteins, and the life cycle events of alphaviruses with a special emphasis on the difference in
these events in the case of vectors and hosts, and diseases produced by them along with the pathogenesis. Molecular-level studies of these viruses, the phylogenetic evolutionary events, and various measures
being taken to prevent or control the infections caused by these viruses in humans are also discussed in this review article. The recent outbreaks of alphaviral infections demand in-depth knowledge of virus-host interaction at the molecular level and the development of better drugs to control the infections.
How to cite this article:
Sharma M, Sharma NR, Bansal A, Khan MA,Guleria J, Roy A, Kaushik S, Singh G. Global Impact of Mosquito-borne Alphaviruses on Humans: Their Spr ead and Rehabilitation. J Commun Dis. 2023;55(3):93-110.
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