Health Economic Burden of COVID-19 and its Comorbidities in India: An Exploratory Study
Introduction: COVID-19’s economic impact is crucial for adding merits to the policymaking process. This study was designed to evaluate the economic burden (direct medical cost) on COVID-19 patients and compare the treatment cost of patients with and without comorbidities at a tertiary hospital, as well as assess the prevalence of comorbidities associated with COVID-19 patients.
Methods: The analysis was retrospectively conducted at National Heart Institute, New Delhi between June 1, 2020 and November 30, 2020. The study included diagnosed COVID-19 patients who were admitted to the hospital during these 6 months. The patient’s demographics, hospitalisation characteristics, and coexisting medical conditions were all evaluated.
Results: The total direct medical costs were evaluated by cost factors. In this study, the demography of patients was recorded and found that out of 400 patients, 260 (65%) were male and 140 (35%) were female. 294 patients had at least one pre-existing disease. Finally, 360 (90%) subjects recovered whereas, 40 (10%) died. The overall mean cost per COVID-19 treatment episode was found to be INR 264,703.
Conclusion: The findings of this study demonstrated that the disease’s severe condition resulted in an exceptionally high cost of illness.
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Gupta A, Sharma A, Patil CR, Sharma V, Mittal N, Devi S. Health Economic Burden of COVID-19 and its Comorbidities in India: An Exploratory Study. J Commun Dis. 2023;55(2):91-96.
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