TB Outcome of DOTS Category I TB Cases Started on Re-treatment with Category II Regimen during the Years 2002 to 2015, in a Slum in Delhi
Objective: This study of TB Cat I cases retreated with Cat II treatment at a DOTS centre, was under taken to gather evidence as to whether TB patients are mostly relapse cases or failure cases and if there is any difference in their final outcome after retreatment.
Methods: The secondary data maintained for a total of 1941 TB patients in the TB register, who were registered & treated from 2002 to the year 2015 at Community Health Department (CHD) DOTS centre of a tertiary care hospital of Delhi was accessed and was entered in excel sheet and Statistical analysis was done using and MedCalc Software bvba [BE]. Out of 1301 total Cat I cases 94 were found who were restarted on Cat II regimen. Out of these 58 (61.7%) were Relapse cases and 36 (38.29%) failure cases.
Result: The mean age was 32.03 with SD+16.33 years and 53.19% were males among 94 Cat I cases enrolled for retreatment. The Cat I Failure cases put on Cat II, showed failure in 12 (33.33%) Vs. failure in relapse cases 10 (17.24%). This low success to treatment (cured and Treatment completed) rate in Failure cases was highly significant (p<0.0001).
Conclusion: TB treatment outcome matters a lot. If a TB patient is not cured or does not complete treatment her/his TB could become Drug Resistant. All TB patients should be prevented from becoming failure cases during the course of treatment. If this is done TB morbidity and mortality could be controlled.
How to cite this article:
Vaghela JF, Mangal A. TB Outcome of DOTS Category I TB Cases Started on Re-treatment with Category II Regimen during the Years 2002 to 2015, in a Slum in Delhi. J Commun Dis 2019; 51(4): 62-68.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/0019.5138.201938
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