The Relationship between Mobility and Prevention Practices with Malaria Incidence in Purworejo District
The high mobility of migrants and their prevention practice was associated with a high incidence of imported malarial diseases. This study was undertaken to analyze the relationship between the mobility factor of migrants and their prevention practices of malaria. This study used a case control study and chi-square statistical test with a co-efficient level of 95%. The sampling technique that was used was purposive sampling, that determine respondents based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The sample size in this study was 200 respondents. The results show that there was a relationship between the the type of migration area (p=0.001), the use of insecticide-treated bed nets (p=0.047) and the use of chemoprophylaxis (p=0.023) with malaria. There was no relationship between the frequency of mobility (p=0.118), length of stay in the migration area (p=0.130), use of mosquito repellent (p=<1.000), use of long clothes at night (p=0.128) and use of wire gauze (p=<1.000) with malaria. It can be concluded that there is no relationship between the frequency of mobility, the use of mosquito repellent, the use of long clothes and the use of wire gauze with malaria.
How to cite this article:
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