Assessing the Quality of the Life of Lymphatic Filariasis Patients with Elephantoid Legs in a Post Mass Drug Administration (MDA) Phase Residing in Cherthala Taluk, Alappuzha
Introduction: Elephantoid legs due to past LF infection are common in Cherthala, Alappuzha, Kerala. The physical disability refers to impairment of bodily functions and difficulties in performing daily chores. The study
aims to assess the quality of life of filarial patients in the post MDA phase.
Objectives: To assess the quality of life of lymphatic filariasis patients in the post MDA phase.
Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted at Thaickal and Chethy Panchayats of Cherthala through health camps with the help of the Accedited social health activists (ASHAs). People with lymphoedema
living in these areas were considered eligible for the study after taking their consent. 114 chronic filarial patients were recruited for the study employing a validated questionnaire; Lymphatic Filariasis Specific Quality
of Life Questionnaire (LFSQQ). The domain scores were expressed as mean with standard deviation. An independent t-test was used to compare the mean scores among various groups based on demographic
Results: Among the 7 domains,the least score was for the mobility domain indicating that mobility was the major concern affecting in their quality of life. The highest domain score was observed in the Psychological Health domain indicating that they have mentally adjusted to this condition.
Conclusion: In the present study to assess the quality of life of LF patients, the least domain score was for mobility and the highest domain score was for Psychological Health.
How to cite this article:
Shilpa M, Panicker KN, Joy TM. Assessing the Quality of the Life of Lymphatic Filariasis Patients with Elephantoid Legs in a Post Mass Drug Administration (MDA) Phase Residing in Cherthala Taluk, Alappuzha. J Commun Dis.
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