Role of Pyrethroid-elicited Mosquito Behaviour in Control Programmes
This review study envisages the role of insecticide-elicited mosquito behaviour for disease eradication programmes. Changes in behaviour due to insecticides may, at times, be of more practical importance
than the actual lethal effect of the insecticide, especially if these changes help to disrupt the contact between man and mosquito. Two important aspects of mosquito behaviour, either repellency or irritability and biting patterns in response to insecticide exposure have been taken into consideration. This paper throws light on the
significance of two synthetic pyrethroids, permethrin and deltamethrin, when impregnated into mosquito nets for self-protection and vector control. The determination of any changes with respect to behaviour of
mosquitoes, before and after the introduction of bed nets is reflected in the potential of the mosquitoes to transmit diseases and can be of great epidemiological significance in mosquito abatement programmes.
How to cite this article:
Sahgal A, Gupta R, Saxena T, Mehra N, Arora R. Role of Pyrethroid-elicited Mosquito Behaviour in Control Programmes J Commun Dis. 2022;54(3):88-94.
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