An Opinion based on a Retrospective Study on Vector Management for the Elimination of Visceral Leishmaniasis and its Sustenance
Background: Visceral leishmaniasis (Kala-azar, VL) is a vector-borne illness that affects people all over the world. Indoor Residual Spray (IRS) has been recognised as a tool for eliminating the illness. In the context of Kala-azar elimination, it is critical to address evidence-based studies on IRS success and failure.
Methodology: For the literature search, the Internet was used. The following websites were visited: PubMed, Google Search Engine, ResearchGate, NVBDCP sites, and WHO/TDR sites. We utilised keywords like leishmaniasis vector, indoor residual spray, eradication of visceral leishmaniasis, and sand fly ecology in our search, and we also visited the library of ICMR-RMRI for the journals which we could not find on the internet.
Result: The success of IRS may be shown in the progress made in controlling kala-azar in Assam via vector control. This accomplishment, however, could not be duplicated in Bihar. We looked at all of the studies that dealt with insecticides and vector control. In addition, policies and papers produced by the Indian government and the World Health Organization (WHO) from time to time were included. Suboptimal pesticide usage, a lack of effective IRS M&E, and the use of resistance insecticides have all been concerns in vector control, resulting in failure to meet elimination objectives.
Conclusion: It is suggested that strong Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is needed particularly during the low transmission period. Restrictive use of insecticide associated with other control measures will be helpful. Determination of infectivity rate in vector and accordingly application of intervention will stop the unscrupulous use of the insecticide.
How to cite this article:
Kumar V, Rama A, Sharma SN. An Opinion based on a Retrospective Study on Vector Management for the Elimination of Visceral Leishmaniasis and its Sustenance. J Commun Dis. 2022;54(2):1-11.
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