Assessment of Nutritional Status of Children with CKD on Maintenance Haemodialysis in Baghdad City
Background: Chronic kidney disease is a worldwide major public health problem. Most of the data related to the epidemiology of this condition during childhood focuses on the severe and late stages of renal impairment which is associated with malnutrition. It is an influential problem among those children and is essential to be recognised as early as possible.
Objectives: To assess the nutritional status of children with chronic kidney disease on haemodialysis using anthropometric measurements.
Patients and Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted in three randomly selected dialysis centres in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, on a sample of patients with chronic kidney disease who attended these dialysis centres. Direct interviews were used to collect data during the period of the study which extended from the 15th of January to the 15th of July 2019.
Results: This study enrolled 140 children. The mean age of the respondents was 9.9 ± 3.6 years and 42.9% of them had an age range of 10-14 years. 57.1% of the study sample was diagnosed with the disease since 5-9 years, and 42.1% were on HD for 12-23 months. 37.1% of the sample were thin for age according to their gender, and 72.2% of them were stunted and severely stunted. Conclusions:A considerable proportion (75%) of children with chronic kidney disease were undernourished, with a significant percentage of the study sample detected with chronic malnutrition (stunted and severely stunted).
How to cite this article:
Mehdi MA, Hanoon YK. Assessment of Nutritional Status of Children with CKD on Maintenance Haemodialysis in Baghdad city. J Commun Dis. 2022;54(1):107-116.
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