Effectiveness of Tulsi Leaves and Turmeric in Steam Inhalation to Relieve Symptoms of Common Cold

Keywords: Common Cold, Steam Inhalation, Tulsi Leaves, Turmeric, Effectiveness


Common cold is one of the frequently occurring illness and affects people of all ages. There are many home remedies being used to treat common cold. One such home remedy is the use of Tulsi leaves and turmeric in steam inhalation. The main aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of steam inhalation with Tulsi leaves and turmeric versus steam inhalation with plain water. A quantitative approach with quasi-experimental non- equivalent groups design was used. Sample comprised of 60 patients who were having common cold for not more than 2 days selected through purposive sampling. Study subjects in the experimental group were given steam inhalation with Tulsi leaves and turmeric while in the control group with plain water twice a day for three days. Common cold was assessed before and after the intervention through a checklist and the scores were recorded. Study was conducted in a community setting in Delhi. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. In the present study, there was difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of common cold in control as well as experimental groups. When the post-intervention scores of control and experimental group were compared, the t value was 4.14 at df (58) at 0.05 level of significance, which was found to be significant. This shows that steam inhalation with Tulsi leaves and turmeric is more effective than steam inhalation with plain water in relieving symptoms of common cold.

How to cite this article:
Saleem AM, Rani S, Daniel S. Effectiveness of Tulsi Leaves and Turmeric in Steam Inhalation to Relieve Symptoms of Common Cold. Int J Nurs Midwif Res 2019; 6(2&3): 45-51.


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