Changing Roles of a Teacher in Medical Education

  • N Ananthakrishnan Dean of Faculty and Professor of Eminence in Surgery and HPE, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry, India.
Keywords: Roles of Medical Teacher, Changing Milieu of Educati on, Altered Student Populati on, Competency-Based Educati on


A number of factors have disturbed the teaching/ learning dynamics in health professions educati onal insti tuti ons. These have necessitated wide and all-encompassing changes in the roles required of a teacher
working in this environment. The traditi onal six roles have doubled to twelve with increasing student strength per class, decreasing availability of teachers, lack of faciliti es, demands of the CBME curriculum, lack of moti vati on in students and other factors. This paper focuses on these changed roles of a teacher without which the system will fail in its eff orts to produce competent medical professions which are a must for the country and for fulfi lling the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN related to health as enunciated in 2015.


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