The Study of Biochemical Markers in Chronic Renal Failure Patients in Pre- and Post- Haemodialysis
Background: The current research is designed to investigate alterations in lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde - MDA) and renal markers (urea and creatinine) in patients of chronic renal failure (CRF) as compared to the control group.
Method: The study included 55 subjects, who were separated into two groups: control group, which included 15 healthy members with no history of systematic illness; and patients group, which included 40 patients with CRF divided into four groups “Non: CRF patients without any accompanied disease, DM: CRF patients with diabetes mellitus, HT: CRF patients with hypertension, and HT + DM: CRF patients with diabetes mellitus and hypertensionâ€.
Results: The findings reveal that there is a notable increase in serum concentration of MDA, urea, and creatinine, in patients group as compared to the control group.
Conclusion: In all chronic renal failure patients with or without any accompanying disease, lipid peroxidation is present in pre- and posthaemodialysis patients as well as patients with CRF have high levels of urea and creatinine compared with healthy groups.
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Jawad MA, Kadhim AJ. The Study of Biochemical Markers in Chronic Renal Failure Patients in Pre- and Post-Haemodialysis. J Commun Dis. 2021;53(3):259-264.
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