Trans-Genders: Social Status in Psychological Perspective


The 2011 Census of India counted transgenders in the category of ‘Others’ and found 4.88 lakh adult and 55,000 children (identified by their parents) as transgenders.1 They are the people who experience a gender identity that is inconsistent with their assigned sex. They have a consistently strong desire to change their anatomical gender; they are also referred as ‘third sex.’

How to cite this editorial:
Jiloha RC. Trans-Genders: Social Status in Psychological Perspective. J Adv Res Psychol Psychother 2019; 2(3&4): 1-3.


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How to Cite
Jiloha, R. (2020). Trans-Genders: Social Status in Psychological Perspective. Journal of Advanced Research in Psychology & Psychotherapy (E-ISSN: 2581-5822), 2(3&4), 1-3. Retrieved from