Rabies and International Travellers: A Missing Link
Introduction: Rabies is a viral disease endemic in more than 150 countries and territories with highest exposure in Asia and Africa. It is found in all continent except Antarctica. Countries which are not at risk for travel related diseases like rabies, traveller’s going there do not seek medical advice before travelling. In parts where rabies is still a problem, treatment may be in accessible.
Methodology: It was OPD based cross sectional study in Adult Vaccination Centre at tertiary care institute. From July to September 2020, the data was collected. Pretested questionnaire was assessed by interview method.
Results: We found that maximum travellers 69% were in the age group less than 30 years with mean age being 26. Only 10% of traveller had history of animal bite. Among them 52% had dog bite followed by 47% cat bite while 53% had bleeding. 52% had not used any pre hospital procedure after bite. 21% had applied turmeric, 15% applied slaked lime, while 10% had washed the wound with water and soap. 31% travellers travelled to South Africa. 97% travellers have the idea that dog bite can transmit the disease.
Conclusion: Rabies pre-exposure vaccination should be offered to individuals traveling regularly to international destinations and who are at high risk of exposure to potentially rabid animal attacks.
How to cite this article:
Sankhe L, Parve S, Akila P. Rabies and International Travellers: A Missing Link. Int J Preven Curat Comm Med. 2021;7(2):9-13.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2454.325X.202107
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