A Study to Assess the Knowledge an Institutional Delivery among Primi Gravida Mother’s at Selected Hospital of Jabalpur City, Madhya Pradesh
Background: The institutional delivery is being widely promoted because of its ability to promote child survival and reduce risk of maternal mortality. A woman is likely to go through pregnancy complications at the time of labor. Institutional delivery gives a safe environment for the mother to avoid any risk of medical complications during labor.
Aim: The present study was to evaluate the effect of planned teaching programme on the knowledge regarding premenopausal problem of women.
Subject and Methods: Total sample size consumed of 100 women and convenience sampling was used area in Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh. Data was collected using a self-structured question are purposive sampling.
Results: Regarding demographic variables majority highest number of respondents were in the age group of 24-29. Majority of the respondent (49%) had higher secondary education. 57% of them were house wives,
42% were belongs to 10,001-15,000 income group, 68% were in Hindu religion, 68% were in nuclear family, 56% were residing in urban area, 32% got information from magazines, newspapers, journals or books and 76% of them had not experienced in institutional delivery before.
Conclusion: It was found that self-instructional module was very effective in improving the knowledge of mothers of adolescent girls on knowledge regarding institutional delivery.
How to cite this article:
Tiwari J, Lenson CC. A Study to assess the Knowledge an Institutional Delivery among Primi Gravida Mother’s at Selected Hospital of Jabalpur City, Madhya Pradesh. Int J Preven Curat Comm Med. 2021;7(2):20-25.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2454.325X.202109
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