Association of Selected Socio Demographic Variables as Determinants of Quality of Life among Cancer Patients Attending Oncology Department at Sheri-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) Soura Srinagar Kashmir
Background: Cancer is a disease of the cell in which the normal mechanisms for control of growth and proliferation have been altered. It is a harmful lesion capable of invasion of other tissues and metastasis (spread) to distant organs.
Objectives: The objectives of the study were to assess the quality of life among cancer patients and to find the association between the quality of life among cancer patients and their selected socio demographic variables.
Methodology: Descriptive retrospective design was selected to carry out the study. A total of 100 cancer patients were selected for the study by convenience sampling technique. Assessment of quality of life was done by using a self-structured interview schedule and standardized interview schedule (WHOQOL-Bref scale).
Results: The findings of the present study showed that quality of life among cancer patients was found to be average in 84%, good in 10% and poor in 6%. The (Mean±S.D) QOL was found to be (51.76±11.24). Significant association was found between QOL and socio demographic variables i.e. educational qualification (p=0.004) and social support (p=0.001). While, as no significant association was found with other socio demographic variables.
Conclusion: Findings concluded that the QOL was found to be average among cancer patients. Therefore, it is imperative for nurses to include assessment of QOL in the routine nursing care of these patients with a view to enhance the QOL by appropriate identification and modification of modifiable socio demographic variables such as better access to health care facilities and chemotherapeutic medicines, and better involvement in family and interpersonal relations.
How to cite this article:
Nabi R, Wani D, Annu S, Bharti K, Iqbal U, Hassan S. Association of Selected Socio Demographic Variables as Determinants of Quality of Life among Cancer Patients Attending Oncology Department at Sheri-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) Soura Srinagar Kashmir. Int J Preven Curat Comm Med 2020; 6(4): 28-33.
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