A Cross-Sectional Study on Time Management among Medical Students of a Medical College in East India

  • Shweta Goswami Assistant Professor, Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi, India.
  • Susmita Chaudhuri Associate Professor, ESI-PGIMSR, Joka, Kolkata, India.
  • Mitasha Singh Assistant Professor, Dr BSA MCH, Rohini, Delhi, India.
Keywords: Medicos, Effi ciency, Academic Performance, Medical Curriculum, Time Management


Introduction: Time management is of utmost importance in a student’s life as ti me squandering can have several negati ve eff ects including academic performance, personal growth, future opportuniti es, social
connecti on, and skill development. As ti me management is never taught in the curriculum, it is to be learned. Can excessive and chronic inability to eff ecti vely manage ti me adversely impact academic performance?
Objective: The objecti ve of the study was to assess the ti me management practices and their correlates among medical students of a terti ary care centre.
Method: An insti tuti on-based cross-secti onal study was carried out among medical students of a terti ary care insti tute using convenience sampling. A validated self-administered questi onnaire was used to collect the data and analysed using MS Excel.
Results: Out of the total, 314 students gave consent and nearly 60% of the parti cipants scored moderate to low score on ti me management. Females and hostelers were found to have bett er ti me management scores than their counterparts. Those students had a low TMQ score, their academic performance was also low. The majority of the parti cipants possessed moderate to low-level ti me management scores which means that the students lack a suffi cient amount of knowledge about how to manage their ti me effi ciently.
Conclusion: The low level of academic performance among medical students was associated with poor ti me management and demands adequate training.

How to cite this artcle:

Goswami S, Chaudhuri S, Singh M. A Cross-
Secti onal Study on Time Management among Medical Students of a Medical College in
East India. Int J Preven Curat Comm Med.

DOI: htt ps://doi.org/10.24321/2454325X.202405


Time Management And Its Implications To The Academic Performance. (2022, February 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 10, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/time-management-and-its-implications-to-


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