Indoor Air Quality among the Rural Community of Bhutan
Introduction: Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) in Bhutan remains a concern, as firewood and biomass combustion are the fuels generally used for cooking and heating. The adverse impact of indoor air pollution (AIP) on health is inevitable and requires further evidence to be acquainted with strategic modifications. This study aimed to determine IAQ in the rural communities of Bhutan.
Introduction: Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) in Bhutan remains a concern, as firewood and biomass combustion are the fuels generally used for cooking and heating. The adverse impact of indoor air pollution (AIP)
on health is inevitable and requires further evidence to be acquainted with strategic modifications. This study aimed to determine IAQ in the rural communities of Bhutan.
Results: IAQ worsened during the cooking hours, where PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 increased by 118%, 112.2%, and 111.6%, respectively. Overall, 77% of households used firewood for cooking, 96.3% used it for room
heating, and 100% used fodder for cooking. The main source of higher indoor air pollution was associated with the combustion of sawdust, firewood, and biogas. Similarly, traditional mud stoves generated
more IAP than gas and modified mud stoves. It is found that there is a significant association of longer hours of window-opening (p < 0.05) and more numbers of rooms (p < 0.001), with IAP. Common health-related
complaints comprised eye irritation (22%), headache (22%), coughing (19%), and skin irritation (11%).
Conclusion: This study recorded high concentrations of PM during biomass combustion in rural houses in Bhutan. The Study demonstrated the importance of modified stoves with efficient venting systems as
alternatives to counter the long-term burden of IAP.
How to cite this article:
Dendup P, Wangdi K, Wangdi C, Wangchuk P. Indoor Air Quality among the Rural Community of Bhutan. Int J Preven Curat Comm Med. 2022;8(2):1-6.
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