A Comparative Study to Assess the Psychosocial Health of the Blind and General Students in the Selected Blind and General Schools, Kolkata
Introduction: Blindness is an impairment of a vital sense organ of the body that causes difficulties in the daily living activities of a person. In the majority, it may affect the mental, emotional, social and spiritual health of the people suffering from blindness.
Methodology: A descriptive survey approach with a comparative research design was selected to carry out this study. Total enumeration and random sampling technique were used for 51 blind and 51 general students, respectively. Data were collected using a self-structured proforma along with the sociodemographic profile and psychosocial health scale with 10 and 34 items, respectively, through an interview schedule.
Result: The study revealed that no general students were more than 17 years of age, as against 31% of blind students. 90% of blind participants had blindness since birth, and 10% since childhood. 37% and 2% of blind, whereas, none and 69% of general students showed below and above-average levels of psychosocial health respectively. Domain-wise correlation (mental, emotional, social, spiritual health) of blind and general students were 0.82/0.39; 0.6/0.45; 0.59/0.47; 0.57/0.53; 0.57/0.55; 0.49/0.57, respectively with evidence of t values: 10.05/2.98; 5.26/3.53; 5.16/3.71; 4.85/4.41; 4.83/4.62; 3.92/4.91, respectively, i.e. positively correlated homogenous groups. Domain-wise mean (16.39, 14.18, 16.31, 7.09) of general were higher than blind i.e. 7.84, 7.31, 12.33, 3.71; which indicated significant differences as evidenced by t values - 13.19, 11.54, 6.17, 7.88. Psychosocial health had no association with sociodemographic variables.
Conclusion: The study concluded that most of the blind students experience lower levels of psychosocial health than the general students. It is recommended that special care needs to be taken of every aspect of health for this group of people from their childhood or the starting period of blindness by family, and institutional and societal caregivers to maintain the best level of psychosocial health.
How to cite this article:
Mandal I, Purkait G. A Comparative Study to Assess the Psychosocial Health of the Blind and General Students in the Selected Blind and General Schools, Kolkata. Int J Nurs Midwif Res. 2024;11(1):12-20.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2455.9318.202403
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