Nursing Care of Stage IIIA Ovarian Cancer Patient With a History of Hysterectomy Undergoing Chemotherapy in Bandung Central General Hospital

  • Cici Siti Widya Astuti Faculty of Nursing Padjadjaran University
  • Sukmawati Nurse Professional Program, Faculty of Nursing, Padjadjaran University, Jatinangor.
Keywords: Nursing Care; Ovarian Cancer; Chemotherapy; Hysterectomy


Ovarian cancer is a reproductive health problem, and is one of the causes of death for women in the world. Ovarian cancer with a history of hysterectomy who will undergo chemotherapy will have an impact
on basic human needs, so that comprehensive nursing care is needed to accelerate healing and prevent complications. The purpose of this case study is to apply nursing care to stage IIIA cancer patients with
a history of hysterectomy who are going to undergo chemotherapy.
This case study method uses a descriptive method with a nursing care approach through the stages of assessment, formulation of nursing diagnoses, interventions, implementation and evaluation. The results of
the study obtained nursing diagnoses: acute pain, fatigue, and chronic low self-esteem. After carrying out nursing interventions, two nursing diagnoses were resolved, namely acute pain and fatigue, while chronic
low self-esteem was only partially resolved. It is hoped that nurses can provide further holistic nursing care regarding counseling for increase price self patient.

How to cite this article:
Astuti CSW, Sukmawati. Nursing Care of Stadium Iiia Ovarian Cancer Patient With History of Hysterectomy Undergoing Chemotherapy in Bandung Central General Hospital. Int J Nurs Midwif Res. 2023;10(4):28-31.



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