Impact of Selfitis on Psychosocial Health Viz; Body Image and Self-Esteem among Adolescents in a Selected School of New Delhi
Selfie is a modern phenomenon of the 21st century; the work of taking and sharing a selfie with friends/ others dominates the Internet. Selfies have become immensely popular and a new medium for self-expression and self-presentation following innovative applications in IOS and android devices. The study aimed to assess the point prevalence and the impact of selfitis on psychosocial health of adolescent and seek relationship of selfitis with selected demographic variables namely age, gender and religion. The descriptive survey included 250 adolescents aged 10-19 years studying in Mayo International School, New Delhi, using convenience sampling. A structured rating scale was used for data collection and the data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Point prevalence for borderline, acute selfitis, chronic selfitis in adolescents was found to be 36.92. One fifth of adolescents had low impact of selfitis on their self-esteem. Out of 250, more than three fourth adolescents had moderate impact of selfitis on their self-esteem. Rest of the adolescents had high impact of selfitis on their self-esteem. The data depicted that 227 (90.8%) adolescents had moderate impact of selfitis on their body image while 23 (9.2%) adolescents had low impact on them. The selfitis behaviour affects psychosocial health viz; body image and self-esteem of adolescents. Mental health screening and increased awareness among teachers & parents can reduce adverse effects.
How to cite this article:
George S, Sharma V. Impact of Selfitis on Psychosocial Health Viz; Body Image and Self-Esteem among Adolescents in a Selected School of New Delhi. Int J Nurs Midwif Res 2019; 6(2&3): 58-61.
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