Creating Awareness about Adolescent Reproductive Health among Upper Primary School Students in Haryana through the Use of Interactive e-Modules
Adolescents are the prospective citizens of any nation; therefore, investment in terms of the well-being of adolescents is considered quite rewarding. Adolescents are now attaining biological maturity earlier than the previous generation, as witnessed by the gradual decline in average age of puberty and menarche; hence, it becomes imperative to address this cohort of the population. Integration of technology in the field of education has been an area of research for a long. The present study attempts to use digital technology in the form of e-modules created through H5P in creating awareness about adolescent reproductive health on upper primary school students. A sample of 309 students from randomly selected ten unaided private schools of Sonipat district of Haryana was taken. Interactive e-modules were developed for addressing adolescent reproductive health. After the pre-test administration, the experimental group was taught through e-modules and the control group was taught through the conventional method. The data was collected through validated tools over a period of three months. A post-test was conducted afterward to assess the awareness level. After ascertaining comparability of the two groups, data was analyzed using percentage and t-statistics. The data analysis showed that the difference in the mean and standard deviation of the post-test scores of the experimental group 20.50 ± 3.40 and the control group 15.72 ± 4.03 were statistically significant at 0.001 level (t value = 11.26, d.f. = 297). Thus, the study concludes that the interactive e-modules effectively create awareness about adolescent reproductive health at the upper primary school stage.
How to cite this article:
Chopra D, Yadava S. Creating Awareness about Adolescent Reproductive Health among Upper Primary School Students in Haryana through the Use of Interactive e-Modules. Ind J Youth Adol Health 2020; 7(4): 24-29.
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