Respectful Adolescent Care: A Right of Every Adolescent
Adolescence is a crucial period in the life of every individual. The significance of adolescence and young adulthood is highlighted in relation to the crucial developmental process of preparing and transitioning to adulthood. During this period, the important developmental milestones are reached, and the young person develops a greater understanding about who they are and form their self-identity as per the Erikson. Adolescents become more independent and autonomous during this time. Adolescence is marked by changes that are not only physical but also psychological, social and emotional. Sometimes due to lack of proper knowledge and guidance, they end up having health related issues like teen pregnancy, STDs and other mental health issues like breakups etc. To tackle all these issues the health professionals should be sensitive and non-judgmental and should provide unbiased care. Adolescents have their own experiences and point of view that should be respected and taken into account. It is important to trust adolescents and their sense of responsibility. Adolescents are often reluctant to visit health facilities. It is therefore important to reach out to them by providing adolescent friendly services. It is their right also to have access to health care whenever they need it. It is essential to have trained and sensitive staff in these health centers so that young people access services in these centers in a confidential and non-judgmental manner.
How to cite this article:
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