12th National Conference of the Indian Association for Adolescent Health
Details of Conference
The Indian Associati on for Adolescent Health (IAAH) came into existence in 1987, recognising the demographic changes in India and the value of the health of the adolescent populati on. Since its incepti on, it has been acti vely involved in capacity building to focus on the well-being of adolescents and youth. IAAH has more than 700 life members contributi ng in their own way in diff erent parts of India towards the common objecti ve.
The 12th nati onal conference of IAAH was awarded to the Shaheed Hasan Khan Mewati Government Medical College (SHKM GMC) at village Nalhar of district NUH in Mewat. The conference was organised under the able guidance of Dr Pawan Kumar Goel, Director, SHKM GMC. The conference was organised on February 24–25, 2023 by the Department of Community Medicine with the active parti cipati on of all departments of the medical college. The theme of the conference was very relevant in the present context with a special focus on One Health. The One Health concept recognises the importance of the requirement of the integrated approach to ensure healthy human beings by keeping animals healthy and the environment polluti on-free.
Funding Agencies: State Government through its Additi onal Chief Secretary, Medical Educati on and Research Department, US Centres for Disease Control & Preventi on (India Offi ce), and Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences.
Copyright (c) 2024 Indian Journal of Youth and Adolescent Health (E-ISSN: 2349-2880)

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